WCS Elementary Fundraising Society

We raise funds via Casino, Raffle and 50-50 draws and administer the funds on behalf of the WCS Elementary Campus and Community


Make a Donation to Westmount Charter School

Westmount Charter School Council – Request for Donations

Your donations and fundraising activities make a world of difference to the school’s ability to enhance your child’s education. On behalf of School Council, we would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who were part of this last successful school year. Once again, the Charter Board has given School Council permission to ask parents to make a donation in order to continue the benefits for our children’s education. Unlike other fundraisers where we only receive a portion of the funds raised, 100% of the donated amount can be utilized by School Council. The suggested donation is $50.00 per family. Please consider donating more if you are able to. To find out more, or to make a donation to Westmount Charter School check out the Donate to Westmount Charter School page.

A Message From Your Westmount School Council

Please keep in mind that your donation, which is sincerely appreciated, does not eliminate the school’s need to have you as a volunteer. In addition to fundraising initiatives from the School Council, there will be other fundraisers for special school groups such as band and graduation, and outside charities like the Terry Fox Run and the Food Bank.

About us

We are a volunteer group of WCS Elementary community and parents who meet throughout the year to organize fundraising events, administer the bank accounts, communicate our progress, and make decisions on the spending of the funds.

If you are looking for the Mid-High Society, go to the WCS PFS (Mid-High) Website.
